Men's Lacrosse Team
The Men's lacrosse team competes in the BUCS
Northern 1A league.
After promotion into the league in 2013, the team is
proud to have finished 4th in the league in 2014.
The men's team also won the annual Christie Cup
Championship against Leeds and Manchester for the
second year running. We aim to win it for a third year running. This years championship will be held at Liverpool!
The team was also successful in beating the alumni team in the first ever Lacrosse Alumni day.
The men thrive for success and bond together which becomes evident in the lacrosse socials!
This year Calum Murie will captain the Men's side, he has several years of experience on the field and also spent time coaching in summer camps in the USA.
Previous lacrosse experience is not necessary to join as the team welcomes both beginners and experienced players!